Pediatric Anesthesia Recruitment

Long-term retention of the right people results in better care and better outcomes. 

Expercis is here to help

Pediatric Anesthesia Job Board

Expercis hosts the only pediatric anesthesia specific job board on the internet. By advertising your open positions with Expercis, you ensure that every impression and click on your job posting is a pediatric anesthesia provider interested in your job. We also partner with you to ensure your job postings contain vital components that have been shown to increase application rates. Visit our Premium Job Postings page to learn more.

Anesthesia Department Assessment

Is your anesthesia department dealing with high turnover? Engage Expercis to conduct a departmental assessment, using research-based tools, to determine drivers of attrition. 

Recruitment Strategy

Effectively recruiting pediatric anesthesia providers requires more than a job posting. You need a comprehensive strategy to ensure your organization is competitive in multiple core areas. Our experts at Expercis can partner with you to ensure you have a strategy for the following:


  • Ensuring your compensation package is competitive (benefits, salary, fringe benefits) 


  • Ensuring you have a comprehensive strategy for recruiting (word of mouth, advertising positing, etc.) 


  • Ensuring you are prepared for the most common questions applicants may have (e.g., schedule, practice model, call requirements, types of cases, skills required, work with residents, etc.) 

Locums Coverage

At Expercis, we take connecting pediatric anesthesia providers with organizations seeking temporary staffing coverage seriously. We work with a very select group of physicians and advanced practice providers, all with significant experience in pediatric anesthesia, to provide coverage. We have intentionally kept this part of our business small so we can avoid common pitfalls of sending “just anyone” to provide anesthesia to the children under your care. If you are interested in exploring temporary staffing coverage in your anesthesia department, contact us to discuss a locums contract. 

The pediatric anesthesia workforce is at an all-time premium

Experiencing attrition rates surpassing the pre-COVID average nationwide poses a challenge in retaining talented individuals and recruiting those who align well with your organization.

Keys to success in this market come down to compensation, practice environment, and organizational climate.

Compensation in pediatric anesthesia is anything but straightforward yet is the primary factor influencing the ability to retain and hire. Knowing who the competition is and what they pay is key to an effective compensation strategy. 

Market analysis from large firms often fails to identify stakeholders in the local market competing for anesthesia personnel. We provide local compensation data, ensuring you know what employees and candidates are being offered next door.

Practice environment and organizational climate are buzzwords for factors outside of compensation that will attract and retain top talent. At its core, the practice environment relates to how much work-related stress anesthesia personnel can count on taking home. Staffing ratios, call ratios, collegiality, and defined roles in anesthesia are examples of factors impacting whether people are happy at work or not. Organizational climate comes down to leadership. 

How Expercis Can Help You Recruit and Retain Pediatric Anesthesia Providers

Anesthesia Talent Recruitment IMG

Can employees and candidates count on strong, fair, and competent leadership at your organization? 

Pediatric anesthesia is a small world with less than 120,000 combined anesthesia providers in the US. Word-of-mouth on compensation, practice environment, and organizational climate is the primary way employees and candidates are making employment decisions. 

At Expercis, we have the experience and expertise to provide your organization with the information needed for a successful retention and hiring strategy.


If you are an anesthesia provider interested in email updates on pediatric anesthesia locums or new pediatric anesthesia positions, you can sign up for updates here!